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Data Privacy Policy

BC Platforms Ltd respects your privacy and the right to control your personal data. Our guiding principles are simple and GDPR compliant. We will be open to inform you about what data we collect and why.

BC Platforms Ltd (“Company”) Privacy Policy describes what data we collect, the purpose of the processing, how you can control your own data and how to contact us. This Privacy Policy applies when you use web pages and other services that are included on websites managed by the Company. The BC Platforms Ltd is a personally responsible person in accordance with these terms and is responsible for processing according to current legislation.

Here is a summary of what you can expect by visiting our website:

We track your web activity for marketing purposes We collect personal information for marketing purposes and communication. We process personal information by sending them to integrated Email and CRM systems for marketing purposes. We save personal information in our systems for analysis purposes.

Your web activity trends can be used for marketing purposes. 

What personal data do we collect?

BC Platforms Ltd collects the information primarily from you as a customer. Examples of personal data that we might collect are your name and other contact details such as phone number or email address. 

BC Platforms Ltd registers personal data in connection with:

  1. Notification of a service offered through the various platforms offered by the Company.
  2. When you enter your e-mail address or your mobile phone number on the website.
  3. If you contact us via email, by phone, our websites and social media.
  4. If you sign up for email subscriptions.
  5. Your visit to our websites and app, including but not limited to traffic data, location data, communications data, such as the IP address, type of device, operating system and browser type used for the visit.

Collection with consent

By filling out a consent form on the website (for example subscriptions to newsletters, to receive promotions and offers etc.) you agree that your personal information (for example name, telephone, email) may be used for marketing purposes for the services you are exposed to where you are asked to fill in your personal information. We also collect your IP address, geographic position, and interests in order to better adapt our marketing to you.

By browsing our website you also agree to that we may add cookies, both a so-called third-party and first-party cookies, on your computer from. These cookies will follow you and your online behavior in order to offer you marketing based on your online behavior.

How we use collected information

The Company processes personal data mainly for the purposes stated below and for any additional purposes stated at the time of collection:

  1. To fulfill orders for services through one of the platforms offered by the Company;
  2. Enable good customer service, like managing your requests, correcting incorrect information or sending information you requested e.g. newsletter;
  3. Information on ordering a service is stored and analyzed, as well as the basis for offers and discounts as well as promotion of both general and targeted nature;
  4. In order to manage customer profiles, conduct analyses and market research;
  5. For system administration and for obtaining statistical data about the behavior and patterns of our users, this does not identify any individual but occurs at aggregated level;
  6. To develop, deliver and improve our products and services through analysis of your behavior on our websites and app.
  7. Personal data is also used for analysis to perform segmentation/profiling, in order to develop targeted offers and services;
  8. To contact you via SMS, email, push or other digital contact routes such as social media, or post about other offers, promotions or services that we believe may be of interest to you, please note that you may decline this promotion at any time;
  9. To provide you with relevant recommendations, offers, and custom services based on what other people with similar behaviors have been interested in, what you have chosen for service, looked at and shown interest in;
  10. To help us develop our site to be more useful and to enhance your user experience of the platforms offered through the Company by customizing the display of the services to the device being used;
  11. To send important messages as communication about changes in our terms and policies;

Information that may be disclosed

We can share information with other companies that process data on our behalf in order to perform our services, i.e. analysis, distribution or other services to maintain and apply our terms of use and delivery terms. However, all handling of personal data always ensures high security and confidentiality.

The Company only collaborates with partners handling personal data within the EU/EEA or with companies that maintain the same level of protection as in the EU/EEA by, for example, having joined the so-called Privacy Shield Agreement between the EU and the United States.

Cookie Policy

We use cookies on our website. When you use our site, personal data may be collected via cookies. We will place cookies in any browser or device visiting our website. This is only done through a separate consent. You can change and withdraw your consent for processing cookies in Cookie Settings

What are cookies?

A cookie is a small piece of data sent from a web page and stored in a user’s web browser, mobile phone or another device. Cookies enable many of the functionalities on our websites and help us enhance a smooth user experience. We use the term “first-party cookies” for cookies set by us and the term “third-party cookies” for cookies set by third-party technology vendors.

There are also other technologies, such as pixel tags, web bugs, web storage and other similar files and technologies that may carry the same function as cookies. In this cookie policy, we use the term “cookies” for cookies and all similar technologies.

We have classified the cookies that we use based on the purpose they are used for. We use cookies that are strictly necessary for our website to operate (Necessary), cookies to collect information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting services (Statistical), and cookies that measure the the users and their activity on the website to provide personalized user experiences and help us deliver targeted advertising (Marketing).

Your data is never sold to third parties and is only used to either improve your experience by providing more relevant content or avoiding to provide irrelevant content.

Below we list different categories of cookies that we use on our websites. For each category, we also list most often used tools.

Cookie Categories:

Necessary Cookies – Required for the website to perform properly and publish content for the user.

Cookieyes Consent (First party)

  • cookieyes-consent

Cookieyes Consent helps us to remember visitors’ cookie consent preferences and to determine when we need to ask visitors to give/update their preferences. Supports the website’s technical functions.

ARRAffinity (Third party)

ARRAffinity cookie is a built-in feature of Azure App Service to facilitate session data management. Required for the website to perform properly.

TiPMix (Third party)

Used in Azure during deployments to pin a user session to a deployment slot. Required for the website to perform properly.

x-ms-routing-name (Third party)

Used in Azure during deployments to route to deployment slots. Required for the website to perform properly.

Hubspot (Third party)

  • __cf_bm</li

Hubspot is a content publishing and lead nurturing system. HubSpot can be used for creating contact forms and publishing content for the user. Supports the website’s technical functions.

Embedded content and scripts on website – Twitter feed & Youtube videos

Some embedded website content, such as Twitter feed and Youtube videos, use tracking scripts that are necessary for the website to work.

Statistical – Collect information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting services

Google Analytics (First party)

  • ^_gat_gtag_UA_\d*_\d*$
  • _ga
  • _gid

Google Analytics collects information about the users and their activity on the website for analytics and reporting purposes.

Marketing Cookies – Collect information about the users and their activity on the website, provide personalized user experiences and deliver targeted advertising

Google Analytics (First party)

• _gcl_au

Supports the integration of a third-party platform on the website to deliver targeted advertising.

Google Marketing Platform / Google Ads / Doubleclick (Third party) • IDE

Used for online marketing by collecting information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to target advertising to the user across different channels and devices.

Leadfeeder (First party) • _lfa

Collects information about the users and their activity on the website. The information is used to track and analyze user behaviour and to deliver targeted advertising.

LinkedIn (First party) • AnalyticsSyncHistory

Collects information about the users and their activity on the website. The Information is used to track and analyze user behavior, to meet the individual user needs and to deliver targeted advertising.

• bcookie • bscookie • lang • lang • li_gc • lidc • UserMatchHistory

Supports online marketing by collecting information about the users to promote products through partners and other platforms.

How to choose your cookie settings and control cookies?

Open Cookie Settings/Consent Preferences from the Cookie Consent Preferences Icon (bottom left corner on your browser) to manage certain types of cookies. If you want to totally opt-out of having cookies stored on your browser, you can change the security settings of your web browser and choose to not accept any cookies. Common web browsers are Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer and Edge.

If you have this setting, no cookies will be stored from BC Platforms’ or any other web site. However, you may also notice that some functions on web sites are not available to you.

You can also change your web browser settings so that you get a warning every time a site is trying to set a cookie. You can then decide for each cookie if you want to accept it or not.

More information about how to handle cookies in your web browser can be found at

Legal basis, storage, and disclosure of personal data

By submitting data to the Company, you provide your permission for the Company to register and store information about which service purchased and processing the specified personal data for the specified purposes. As a legal basis for treatment, the Company will refer to the fulfillment of agreements, legitimate interest or consent. If the Company uses legitimate interest as a basis, it will only be done for the purposes stated above. Please note that you can at any time withdraw your consent by contacting us, for contact details, see the heading “Contact.”

The treatment is in accordance with current legislation and means that personal data are not retained for a longer period than necessary for the purpose of the treatment. The Company will store your personal data as long as you are a customer with us. For marketing purposes, information older than 3 years is not used. This implies that data will be erased when they are no longer relevant or necessary for analysis or direct marketing for the purposes for which they have been collected. Some information may be retained longer when required due to other legal requirements. However, all handling of personal data always ensures high security and confidentiality.

Your rights and choices

You have rights regarding your personal data and you are able to influence your information and what is saved. The Company will, on its own or the customer’s initiative, rectify data that is found to be incorrect. You can also at any time request that your data be deleted or that its use is limited by contacting us (for contact routes see the heading “CONTACT”). If you believe that we do not respect your rights, please contact the Company or you can contact the Data Protection Authority in your country, please find the right one at

You can at any time refrain from receiving marketing communications from us by updating your account settings, or clicking “unsubscribe” in the email and SMS communications that we send you. You are always welcome to contact our customer service to help you decline our communications.

You can, once a year, receive information about the personal data registered in a written form from BC Platforms Ltd.

Links to other sites

In the event that our site contains links to third party websites, sites, or materials published by third parties, these links are for information purposes only. Because the Company has no control over the content of these websites or its materials, we are not responsible for its content. The Company is also not responsible for any damages or losses that might arise from the use of these links.

How to contact us

For further information about personal data management or if you have any questions, feel free to contact us at:

This privacy policy applies from 

BC Platforms AG

Dreikönigstrasse 31A CH-8002 Zürich, Switzerland

 +41 61 225 43 63

This privacy policy applies from May 25, 2018.