March 5, 2024 - 9:15 AM GMT
Leeds, UK
Paul Smith - Director, Healthcare & Research at BC Platforms
Health Data Research UK’s annual conference was a free two-day, hybrid event to celebrate progress and bring people together to accelerate the trustworthy use of health data for public benefit.
Paul Smith, Director, Healthcare & Research at BC Platforms, attended the Health Data Research UK Conference 2024: The Grand Challenges in Health Data event on March 5-6 in Leeds, UK, to share more about the NHS Secure Data Environments (SDEs).
NHS-SDEs serve as a secure platform that grants authorized users, particularly researchers, access to health data for analysis without requiring them to obtain a copy of the data, playing a crucial role in managing sensitive patient data while facilitating access for internal and external researchers, thus promoting collaborative research efforts.
Read more about the HDR UK Conference here: www.hdruk.ac.uk/hdruk-conference-2024/